Chord Electronics Announces the Suzi & Suzi Pre

Posted by The Sound Organisation on May 14th 2024

High End Munich 2024 has officially wrapped up and Chord Electronics used this event to unveil their newest gadgets. The British hi-fi brand revealed two amplifiers that are hitting the market this fall: The Suzi Suzi Pre. Let’s run through all of the details.

The Suzi amplifier was designed by the founder of Chord Electronics, John Franks. Part of the larger Hugo system, the Suzi amplifier and Suzi Pre preamp take advantage of trickle-down Ultima technology. We’ve already seen how good this tech works in Chord’s ULTIMA line featuring the Ultima PreUltima, and the Ultima Integrated, so we can’t wait to experience it in this new system.

The Suzi and Suzi Pre were designed with modularity in mind. They are meant to be used as building blocks to increase performance within their setups. The Suzi and Suzi Pre were made to be compatible with the Hugo 2 DAC and the 2go streamer.

These two new offerings will be hitting the market in the fall. Until then, check out these articles for all of the details surrounding this new system.